In today’s era, the prevalence of hunger or poverty is unconscionable, be it in any part of the globe. People living in conditions of poverty and hunger suffer from prolonged malnutrition and mental stress, making them prone to several diseases. The world produces enough to feed 10 billion people, yet many still remain hungry. In India ‘Right to Food’ is a Fundamental Right, yet many still go to bed without food.
While the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 2 of United Nations (UN) aims to achieve “Zero Hunger”, globally by 2030, So Am I Foundation Trust (SAI), strives to have a hunger and malnutrition-free Odisha by 2025. This non-profit organisation has established a strong and efficient network of food banks and community kitchens in several parts of the state. It has also introduced mobile food banks, distributing dry rations to thousands of needy people across the state. Recently a drive was launched where free rations are being distributed to people with special needs and free meals given to the needy Covid patients at Baripada and Nuapada. Source:
Philanthropist Mr. Kaushik Das, CEO of Kaustav Dreamworks PVT. LTD. & AAO NXT, the first Independent OTT of Odisha is an active crusader of the cause, rendering his wholehearted support to reach the unreached, and provide them with food and ration. SAI is led and supported by Padmashree Debi Prasanna Pattnayak, Co-Founder SAI Dr. Chidatmika Khatua, Maharani of Mayurbhanj HH Rashmi Rajyalakshmi Bhanjeo, Activist Nandita Das, US-based entrepreneur Sri Dhirendra Kar, Director, Ghanshashyam Misra & Son Shri Sourav Misra, and others.

Suneeta Mohanty
Suneeta Mohanty is a Content Writer with more than 23 years of experience. Her strength is original content with a personal touch. She writes well-researched articles and blogs.